
Building Health Systems for Universal Coverage

Moderator: Riz Khan, International Journalist and TV Host

You can download the full program Here.

8:15 - 9:10

Registration and Light Breakfast

9:10 - 9:15

Welcome and Introduction

9:15 - 9:45

Inaugural Session: Setting the Context - Building Health System for Universal Coverage

Prof. Helmut Brand, Head of the Department of International Health at Maastricht University and President, European Health Forum Gastein

Dr Ashish Tiwari, Chief Executive Officer, Zynova Hospitals, India.

Dr Ranjana Smetacek, Director General, OPPI

Mr. Richard Bergström, Director General, EFPIA

Dr Rajiv Modi, Chairman CII National Committee on Pharmaceuticals and CMD, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd

9:45 – 11:15

Session 1: Strengthening health systems - lessons learnt

Taking stock: what is the situation in the region and in India
Dr Phyllida Travis, Director, Health Systems Department, WHO/South-East Asia Regional Office

Dr Jagruti Bhatia, Senior Advisor- Healthcare, KPMG

Stakeholder engagement: the role of partnerships
Prof. Helmut Brand, Head of the Department of International Health at Maastricht University and President, European Health Forum Gastein

11:15 – 11:45

Networking Break

11:45 – 13:15

Session 2: How to design a health system

Investing in health: the importance of creating the right incentives
Prof. Bengt Jönsson, Stockholm School of Economics

The future of Health Policy and Systems Research in India
Mr. Amit Backliwal, IMS Health Information and Consulting Services

Challenges and opportunities in designing primary health care for the benefit of all: the example of medicines under universal coverage
Dr. Anita Wagner, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute

Competition in health care: the role of markets
Dr. Fredrik Erixon, Director of the European Centre for International Political Economy

13:15 – 14:15

Networking Lunch

14:15 – 15:45

Session 3: Regulatory systems to support health care reform

Regulatory cooperation and harmonisation from the EU perspective
Dr. Andrzej Rys, Director, Public Health and Risk Assessment, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

Regulatory reforms in India
Mr. Sudhansh Pant, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Government of India.

Convergence through regulatory science
Prof. Guido Rasi,  Principal Adviser in Charge of Strategy, European Medicines Agency.

15:45 – 16:05

Network Break

16:05 – 17:35

Session 4: Data as a driver for better outcomes

How emerging markets can leap-frog and avoid European-style inertia
Dr. Miklos Szocska, Semmelweiss University, Minister of State for Health, Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary

The promise of e-health and m-health in India
Mr. Varun Sood, Chief Information Officer, Fortis Healthcare

The use of population data to improve public health
Prof. Dr. Angela Brand, Full Professor, Founding Director of the Institute for Public Health Genomics (IPHG) at Maastricht University,  and Dr TM Pai Endowed Chair for Public Health Genomics at Manipal University, India, and Director of the European Centre for Public Health Genomics (ECPHG)

Improving outcomes by tracking use of medicines
Mr. Nathan Sigworth, Co-Founder and CEO, Pharmasecure

17:35 – 17:45

Closing Address